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I am really happy with the items I ordered from Joanne. They are high quality at an affordable price. Her work is amazing. I bought some as gifts & some for myself, loved by all. Thanks Joanne xxx ...


I've just received the Christening canvas picture and I am so so happy with it. The detail on it is amazing. I love it and can't wait for the baby's parents to see it! Thank you so much ...


I received a gift from Tinythings on the birth of my twins and was so thrilled with having something so unique and special to put on the wall in their room. Since then I have ordered a canvas and door hanger for my brand new little godson. I have been delighted with the service and hope to use tinythings on many occasions to come...I don't want to rave too much to my friends ......


I love TinyThings. I have bought a few plaques for wedding gifts and baby gifts and they have all been lovely. They are so quirky, colourful and good quality. Thanks Joanne. ...


Our Christmas stocking plaque with all of our family names is taking pride of place in the hall, with the recently added new stocking with new baby's name added! Always get lovely comments from visitors, thanks so much Joanne, another fab product from your lovely range! ...


I ordered a Family Christmas plaque as a present for a friend of mine. It arrived in plenty of time and it was fab. I would highly recommend this site for personalised presents. I will definetly be ordering other items soon ...

Ciara Bourke

I have ordered from Joanne a number of times. Her products are great quality and its obvious a lot of thought and love has been put into them. Comes highly recommended ...


There are so many gift ideas on this website, for all the important occasions in life! Ordered lots for Christmas gifts & a Christening Frame, which I'm delighted with. Thanks as always Joanne. PS The festive postal packaging is a nice touch! ...


Our beautiful granddaughter SIENNA and her parents are delightd with her stunning name plaque. It has pride of place in her nursery. Everyone who has visited SIENNA has commented on it. Thanks Joanne x ...

Audrey Smith

Joanne is a gifted treasure that I am so lucky to have fallen upon three years ago. We have over 20 of her amazing creations in our home, and any special occasion I would purchase something from Joanne. With her its completed with love and such minute attention and detail, they are fabulous! Congrats with the website, it really allows your work to shine! (though ......


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